General Research Building
The General Research Building was completed in March in 2003. It houses research and education and is composed of the building for the advanced engineering course and the joint laboratories for the Regional Collaboration Center. The 1st floor has an exhibition hall, a Regional Collaboration Center office and a joint laboratory which can support large machines. The 2nd floor has a joint laboratory and lecture rooms for advanced engineering course students. The 3rd and 4th floors have laboratories exclusively for each major and study rooms for the students.
There are lounges at the connections with the Electronics and Information Engineering Faculty Building. The lounge, a common facility provided with a mini-kitchen, offers a space for the students to relax at recess. The frames are equipped with low yield strength steel dampers for seismic response control and the 3rd and 4th floors have a suspension structure. Moreover, an underground cold heat storage system and photovoltaic power generation system installed on the building serve as supplementary energy sources for the room air conditioners.