College Emblem,College Song
Origin of College Emblem
The college name is crowned with Ariake in the Ariake Sea. The college emblem derives its origin from Shiranui in the Ariake Sea, mysterious sea fire, seen from the top of the mountain of Yotsuyama on the evening of the lunar New Year’s Eve. The letters of 有明(Ariake) are designed to signify the fire of Shiranui and arranged separately on both sides of the letters of 高専(Kosen) . It symbolizes both a passionate fire for truth and the future development of the college.
Logo Mark
This mark is the design for the initials of Ariake National College of Technology, with the blue symbol color of Institute of National Colleges of Technology, Japan.
The white line with dark red, our school color, in frame tied to the letter A illustrates a three-dimensional image the way students enter ANCT, and start out as engineers spiraling up their ability.
College Song(Japanese)
1.見はるかす 山脈晴れて
いのち澄む 丘のさみどり
みよここに建学の 理想も高く
聳えたつ われらが母校
若き眉 真理めざして
誇りあり われら有明高専
2.流れ寄る 諏訪川清く
たゆみなき 琢磨ささやく
ああここに工業の 技術磨きて
炬と燃ゆる 進取の気迫
若き胸 友愛あつく
抱負あり われら有明高専
3.不知火の 海はかがやき
雲仙に あがる青雲
いざここに大いなる 明日を夢みて
鍛えなん 雄飛の力
若き腕 世紀にかざし
栄えあり われら有明高専